Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I have not progressed at all! That's right you heard me, NOTHING! I am 39 weeks and still dilated a fingertip and he is still to high. I was floored, I could not believe what I was hearing. I have been pretty upset, or disappointed, since my appointment. I was really hoping to be at least a 1 or 1 1/2.

The doc said that I should expect to be pregnant for about another week and at my doctor's appointment on Monday if he was not here yet then they would schedule my appointment for inducement. So either way I can expect him to be here by end of next week.

Well I am going to leave you with that b/c well that's all I have!
Have a good day!


  1. Not to discourage you, but I was pregnant for 41 weeks. Good thing I loved pregnancy! Don't worry, just enjoy the time you have left. Take lots of naps! I hope to see baby pic's very, very soon!

  2. I can't wait to see Trigg, and I know you are ready. Like the previous comment said, take lots of naps!I'll be praying for you to have an easy delivery and a healthy baby.

  3. I know you're SO ready! I had Brooklynn on my due date, and they would have made me wait another week to be induced if I hadn't had PUPPPS. He'll be here before you know it!
