Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baby Bump at 20 Weeks

I haven't taken any belly shots in months so I decided it was time to take another one. This is me, marking my half way point, to having a new baby to hold!

Baby Peck was super active last night. I think that is the most active the baby has been so far. He/She was kicking like crazy for about an hour after dinner. I guess my baby loved the fried chicken, green beans, and potato patties we had for dinner last night. I bet my baby also loved the 4 scoops of ice cream after dinner too and I also bet my baby loved the before bedtime fruit roll up we had. :) Must be why she/he was going crazy.

You still can't feel the baby from the outside or see it from the outside but I think in a few more weeks that will change because the kicks are getting stronger by the day.

Ryan is working in Kansas during the week and gets to come home on the weekends, which I really hate (that he's out of town all week) but these days you have to go where the work is or no work at all. He is coming home a day early so he can be at the doctor appointment tomorrow. I can't wait to see him tonight, we both are so excited about tomorrow and I bet I won't get a wink of sleep.

Well only 24 hours before I find out if I should be buying bows and ribbons or baseballs and gloves :) Wish me good luck!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I Pledge

I Pledge to be the best of my-self I can be and a great role model for my kids. I pledge to do my part to conserve as much energy as I can in my day to day routines.

What do you pledge?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Count Down

Hey everyone! It's good to be back in the blog world. I missed reading some of my favorite blogs and keeping up with my blog friends. I hope that I can regain my followers from before and hopefully get some new ones too along the way.

Well as you all may remember when I last left I was pregnant. I am glad to report that everything is going great with my pregnancy and I feel great! I will be 20 weeks on Monday. I am so excited because in exactly one week I will find out if I am having a boy or a girl!

For 4 months now I have not bought anything baby and have been dying to start on the nursery. Finally, in one week I will be able to buy baby things and work on the babies nursery as much as my little heart desires.

Big day: Friday January 23rd, 2009 @ 8:30am

Count down commencing...

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