Trigg turned 4 months this past Sunday and I just can't believe how big he is getting! He weights 14lbs exactly and I am not sure on his height, his actual 4 month check up isn't till November (doc's office is a little busy). I weighted him myself the other day.
What he is doing:
-can rollover but rarely does
-can lift himself about a quarter inch from a laying or sitting position (like baby sit ups)
-coos and makes high pitch sounds like crazy
-starting to chuckle
-drooling like crazy
-eating 8oz now
-eating more like every 4-5 hrs
-sleeping through the night, except for the past two weeks...
-grabbing and pulling on everything in his reach
-putting anything he can in his mouth
-wearing 3-6 month clothes
-wearing size 1 shoe (some size 2's)
-loves to be held (for hours) :)
-is such a happy baby
He is my little ball of sunshine!
By the way, I got one of my Christmas gifts from Ryan's parents early...I finally got the Canon Rebel EOS XLT Camera I have been wanting for a long time. I am testing it out to make sure it's what I want and I love it. I am hoping they let me go ahead and keep it and not make me wait till Christmas. :) The pictures are amazing...Trigg had a photo shoot last night. :)I love my in-laws, they are so good to me!
He's so cute and it sounds like he's right on track! I love the pics you took. Trigg and Trail are the same weight! :)