Monday, June 1, 2009

39 weeks and still pregnant...

Trigg has yet to grace us with his presence. I am 39 weeks today and have my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I am anxiously awaiting his arrival but I understand that apparently he is not ready or as anxious as I am. :) I have had several of the "signs" that labor is "near" but those who have been pregnant know that it's just a big waiting game.

It is my first day off work and at home and I am already bored! :) hehe My grandma is here now and the company is nice but still I am wanting something to do. I guess I feel that I have spent the last few weeks just laying around on the weekends and week nights b/c I have finished all my projects so now that I can actually have the days to lay around I don't want to. If I could fit into any of my bathing suits I would go to the pool! :)

Well I guess I shouldn't complain to much b/c I don't want to upset my blog buddies who are at work. :)

I will keep you posted! Have a great day!


  1. Adorable picture! Good luck. I know you can't wait, but he'll be here before you know it.

  2. I get bored at home too! : ) We are cut from the same cloth. Ha!
